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Infant baptisms and dedications


The Sacrament of Baptism into Christ Jesus is a gift from God to His Church, and as an appointed means of His Grace. Baptism is administered with water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is also a sacrament of entry into the church and is therefore administered only the once to any one person. We also offer infant dedication in place of Baptism, such a sacrament doesn't involve water, and the child is dedicated to God by the anointing of oil.

Freedom of choice

In the society that we live in today, more and more people are demanding their rights and freedom of choice, and rightly so. With that in mind, we feel that a baby has rights too, although such an infant can't speak for itself. To protect that child's rights, we offer infant dedication which leaves the door open for when that child becomes of age to make up his/her own mind as to whether he or she would like to be baptised. As the church believes in only baptism, an infant baptism therefore means that when that child grows up to be able to make up their own mind, that freedom of choice regarding baptism has been taken away from them in the sacrament of infant baptism, unlike dedication which leaves the way open. It's a question of allowing their children to maintain their own integrity but at the end of the day the choice belongs to the parents or guardians of the child.

How do you go about getting your baby baptised or dedicated?

The point of call is to contact our infant baptism/dedication co-ordinator, Janette,  on 01942 724475. A date is worked out to fit in with your plans as near as possible, however, we only hold infant baptisms and dedications on the first Sunday of each month, starting at 2:00 p.m.

What format does the sevice take and what happens?

The first part of the service starts with the welcome follwed by the actual baptism or dedication of the child. This is time for your saying thank you to God for the blessing of your child, for making promises and bringing the child into the Grace of God. You are then invited up to the front of the church with your baby and the Godparents and then the minister leads you through the baptismal service. Following this is a short time for photo opportunities.